Using any of your personal information as content for your insite profile, advertisements on our site,
while using our virtual service, or to share with any other user of our virtual service,
is done at your own risk as we cannot protect information you provide in this manner.
The type of information we cannot protect:
Entering any personal information into our virtual service or social media site.
This includes public, private, and group messages with others.
Entering private information into your site virtual service.
Voice media comments made by you while using our virtual service.
Private information you may enter into any insite scripted object.
The types information we collect directly from you include:
Registration information such as firstname, lastname, email and password.
Password are encrypted at the time you enter and cannot be reversed, therefore no one can see your password.
In addition to this requested information, we also automatically collect your ip address.
We collect information from you when you register to our site, login to our site or connect to our virtual service.
For any complaint or suggestion please contact:
Virtuall School Team